Yuhui Chen - 陈宇辉

Affiliations. Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Beijing, China

Hi there! This is Yuhui Chen.

I am currently a second-year D.Phil. student in Control Theory and Engineering at the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA), under the mentorship of Professor Dongbin Zhao. Prior to joining CASIA, I earned my B.Eng. degree in Information Engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) and in Electrical Communication Engineering from Australian National University (ANU).


Dec 21, 2023 Our paper about consistency policy for robotic RL tasks (CPQL) was accepted to AAMAS 2024.
Sep 01, 2022 I start to pursuing D.Phil. degree at CASIA.

Recent Publications

  1. cpql.png
    Boosting Continuous Control with Consistency Policy
    Chen YuhuiLi Haoran, and Zhao Dongbin
    In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, AAMAS 2024 , May 2024